Monday, January 10, 2011

Can I open my eyes yet?

I have survived. It's Monday. The first week of our diet challenge is over. I didn't go over on my calories once this week. I did awesome. NOT! I totally should have read the fine print of the whole calorie count thing more closely. Not only do I need to limit myself to 1,200 calories per day, but I also have to be looking out for my fat intake, my carb intake, my sodium intake, blah. blah. BlAh!

Alright, now that I have had my 2-year old tantrum I can get back to acting like an adult. Which is what dieting is all about right? Taking on full responsibility of my actions and eating habits, embracing each day with a new zeal for life and exercise, and sweat. I don't mind the fat, sodium, carb, thing. It's not that I don't want to watch them, it's just that I didn't know to watch them, and now that I do I feel like last week was a total waste of my time. I didn't even realize it until one day I noticed these huge red lines all over my grid and then I saw things like 126% and 156% (which in my educationally centered mind meant GOOD JOB!) but really meant I exceeded my fat intake for the DAY by 126%! What the heck!

I digress....

It's Monday, a.k.a, weigh in day, and after school L, A, and I closed the door, got out the scale and faced the music.

Last week she weighed in at 139.4. This week....drum roll please.....

1 pound lost to the devil of blubberness!!! Don't let the Mrs. Debbie Downer face fool ya. She was happy. The thing about L is that she already has like the perfect eating habits so fitness will be key for her, whereas I'm just a lazy glutton so it will be an all-around lifestyle change.

Now A was in the midst of some mind-blowing training at work the day that the weigh in and measurements for week 1 were taken. (L & I were totally off the clock so no we were not "horsing around" on the job!) So since we weren't able to take her picture on the 3rd she decided to start today. So this is her before picture. Next week will actually show results!
I can't wait to see what happens next week! Go A...we are totally rooting you on!

and lastly, yours truly... let me tell you I was totally terrified. I don't know exactly how L & A were feeling but for me it was kinda like working really hard to cook some delicious meal and spending hours sweating over the dang stove then waiting for your husband to taste it and decide the fate of the stupid pasta thingy in the plate that you cared so much about and only made to surprise him with dinner in the first place...WHOA...built up frustration anybody?

Anyway, I took off my shoes, took off my vest (yes, totally PG here folks) and took a step of faith.....

.....can I open my eyes yet?


quit stalling, Amanda


remember, 146.6 pounds last week.....


really stalling here.....


OH MY GOSH!!! 5 whole pounds! How the heck did that happen! I guess all that resisting temptation-making good choices garbage actually works. And the weird thing? It wasn't that hard! I was so excited I even drew the stupid arrow going the wrong direction, it was supposed to be a DOWN arrow!!!! Now if I can just incorporate some activity into the mix it should do the trick. If it wasn't for this dang cold I got over the weekend I totally would be climbing Mt. Everest right now, but alas, the steps to my bedroom were the most I could muster.

Seriously though, giving credit where credit is due, God really spoke to my heart through K-Love, the christian radio station that I listen to. They had a guest on the morning show and during the interview she quoted a bible verse that I had never heard before.

Do not destroy the work of the Lord for the sake of food.

What have I been doing the past 3 years? Besides stuffing my face with Cheetos, Burritos, and anything else ending in "os", I have been destroying one of God's instruments in this crazy messed up life. ME! Boy, when I heard this verse I totally had a different outlook on what my goal is! I should want to stay healthy so that I can give my best to God and be all that I can be. (Weird, I just started patriotic music in the background).

I lost five pounds this week. Incredible! I am so proud of all of us! I can't wait to see the results over the weeks and I know L & A are excited too.

(Btw, as one of the co-leaders of this crazy blog, I work hard to keep all of this entertainment going. If you have a gmail account or Google account I would love if you would look over to the right and follow this here blog! It would make me feel all warm and tingly and loved....just saying)

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