Friday, January 28, 2011

Project 31. Day #7: A blog about you...

Hey, you!
Yes that's right, I'm talking to you?
You are beautiful!
No, really, you are.
When I saw you for the first time I thought to myself
Wow. I wish I could look like that. I wish I could have such amazing beauty surround me everywhere I go.
Your glow about you is infectious
and everyone's head turns when you walk into the room.
I am so jealous!
What do I have to do to become as beautiful as you?
Eat less?
Wait, what do you mean?
You don't do any of those thing?
You do what!?!?
So you are telling me that if I walk in faith
show compassion to everyone around me
live thankfully
pray daily
seek God's will constantly
worship continuously
and love deeply
I can be as beautiful as you?
Hmmm...I think I can manage that!
You deeply inspire me to do all those things.
Will you help?
I long to be as beautiful as you, my friend.

Dedicated to all women out there who need to strip off the outer expectations of beauty and learn to strive for beauty on the inside!

And especially dedicated to one woman who does all of these things and more. A beautiful daughter, a beautiful mother, a beautiful friend!


Love ya, sis!

1 comment:

  1. Awww!! You have no idea how much this just made me smile and my heart swell! Thank you!!

    Love, Steph



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